Saturday, March 17, 2012


Our first day of seeing no land, on deck today we could see choppy waves and feel the stiff wind of the Mediterranean Sea. We didn’t spend much time there because the activity schedule gave us interesting options.  We’ll pass through the Straits of Gilbralter tonight at 11:30 p.m. but we will be sleeping. We had a great visit there many years ago – in the daytime.

We visited the library and checked out a book.

Jon went swimming in spite of the chilly weather. The ship has two outdoor swimming pools and warm-to-hot swirling tub 

I went to the Fitness center. We went to classes! I didn’t expect to have learning experiences on board! I attended one on the formation of the gemstones tanzanite and amber. I found out that there is now only one mine in the world for the tanzanite because the second one had to be closed for unstable conditions. Amber, on the other hand, is composed of hardened resin from ancient trees such that some of the most precious pieces have insects buried in them.

While Jon went to an orientation about the off-shore excursions that are coming up, I attended a seminar about toxins and detox processes. Always charmed by a British broge, I was impressed with the knowledge of young women who presented. She explained that our goals in fitness and health must be worked through three things: diet, exercise and detox, that without the third, our fitness goals cannot be met. She said were born with a near perfect pH but toxins that we accumulate through life from air, medicines, food, drink, autoimmune system, stress and chemicals onto skin turn our bodies acidic. Therefore, the goal of detoxing our systems is to make them more alkaline; she said the best way to do that is through algae – either ingested in capsule form or applied to the skin and in bath sachets. It was a convincing presentation. The years Jon and I have lived abroad have made it easy and inexpensive to “eat organically”; that’s about all we had! But in the States there are such wide choices. We need to make healthier eating choices.

Oh, Jon and I also went to Part I of “30,000 years of Art”. It wasn’t as dynamic as the other, but interesting, nevertheless. It is a kind of lead-up to an art auction on board with 600 pieces to sell. By the way, we are going to visit Malaga, the birthplace of Pablo Picasso…and of Antonio Banderas!

Jon and I have not forgotten to spend a good time in prayer and Bible study. We are missing the WaPac Prayer Summit, but prayed for all of those gathered. Our Lenten reading contained this gem from “Jesus Calling”:

“Holiness is letting Me live through you. Since I dwell in you, you are fully equipped to be holy. Pause before responding to people or situations, giving My Spirit space to act through you. Hasty words and actions leave no room for Me; this is atheistic living. I want to inhabit all your moments – gracing your thoughts, words, and behavior” (Young, P.12).

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